Links of the Day

Donnerstag, 27. November 2008

More funny (and plenty if it)! Quote: "When I shit I feel better"

plus the weirdest book titles you've ever seen!

Yankee Candle has endless scents

Ever been to a Yankee Candle store? If you are into smells this is the place for you. Pretty much every scent you can think of, it is there. Clean cotton, forest, ocean, autumn leaves or berry jam - just take home your favorite. Mine is green grass.

Bath and Body Works Temptations discontinued

Mittwoch, 26. November 2008

One of the bigger mistakes a brand can make happened at BBW this year: The Temptations line was discontinued. What was special about it? The extremely authentic smell and the wide variety of scents. Just to name a few: Banana Smoothie, Frosting Forever, Blueberry Velvet, Iced Tea. Although the price range was pretty high (12-20 USD) the large bottles were worth the investment as they provided daily smelling pleasure. BBW should listen to the many customers that want this line back as there are few to none comparable products on the market.

Links of the Day

A very fancy effect can be seen by turning the light on or off on this website

and here you can see how mankind fails (the come a little closer ad is a hit)

Links of the Day

Dienstag, 25. November 2008

Today we have something quick and easy on the eyes..

a Super Mario World living room..

and Photoshop Disasters.

Marzipan Almond scented candles!

(TLI) As we were grabbing some food today at the Lidl supermarket rather hastily, we stumbled upon these super yummy smelling tea lights! They really present a good substitute for the real marzipan and for about 1,49 Euros they make for a special little present, too!

One aisle later we found another hit tip: the Pool body care showercreme lemon flavor! It smells like lemon milkshake or ice cream and with around 78 cents it's much more appealing than most of its expensive siblings.

Sentence of the Week

Montag, 24. November 2008